Take Back


The take back and transfer capability is essentially a blind transfer that is initiated by the VXML Platform but pushed back to the network by the CSP to conduct the actual transfer. This can be accomplished in multiple ways.

In ISDN, this is the TBCT (Two B-Channel Transfer) capability. The SwitchKit call processing application receives information from the TEP indicating the destination to transfer the call to.

In SS7, this is RLC (Release Link Trunking). The SwitchKit call processing application receives information from the TEP indicating the destination to transfer the call to.

In both cases, the appropriate information is formed in the PPL Event Request message to populate the Facility message with the inbound and outbound call reference. More information on this will be defined in the design documentation.

A third possibility is using an in-band network service that allows a transfer by transmission of particular DTMF tone information. An example would be transmitting *8 to initiate the transfer followed by the digits reflecting the caller and called party.